It’s been a great bank holiday weekend. With Marley soon turning one I decided it was t8me to get him out and about on the moors. Yesterday saw an early morning walk in the cold sunshine up to the top of Great Hill, my first trip up there for a couple of years. It was an ascent full of memories but as we reached Joes Cup and gazed back over the Lancashire landscape towards the sea it was one of those happy to be alive, fit and healthy moments. The walk up was easy thanks to a pulling springer spaniel. Marley was certainly happy on top. Descent was a little more tricky but to be fair the past 4 weeks or so of disciplined heelwork seems to be paying off.
Today saw a morning and late afternoon walk to Jubilee Tower. Again, great to be up on the moors and even after meeting plenty of bikes, runners and a not very friendly collie he generally stayed close on our descent. Won’t be long before we head for a mountain or two!
Still very jumpy and excitable but a little bit easier to control these days. We need to get some more pub practice in though. It’s weeks since we went out. We did have a nice weekend at my mums over Easter though, where he was pretty well behaved. We even got up Mam Tor!